
The Masquerade is a costume contest and display of creativity by your fellow convention members. Entrants may dress as anything interesting and fun so long as they can motor themselves across the stage and back. You'll find a variety of BEMs (Bug Eyed Monsters!), Transformers, faeries, royals, dragons, cosplayers (anime-inspired costumes), movie and TV characters, and just plain silly people in costume. This is a judged event and is a highlight of Arisia. If you're not competing, come cheer on your fellow fen. All entries are judged in three separate categories (Novice, Journeyman, and Craftsman/ Master) to give everyone a fair chance.

The theme for Arisia'14 is "Cross Culturalism" This doesn't constrain your costume ideas but may be an inspiration. Join us Sunday January 19th 8 PM in the Grand Ballroom.